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Imagine a world, where Women shine with the light of their fulfilment, where they feel at home in their work culture, and supported to grow and achieve all they want, and where boundaries are turned into opportunities to develop & shine. Welcome to the world that Ellumine wants to contribute to creating!

Ellumine Consulting & Coaching

Women Empowerment & Gender Diversity
Women Empowerment & Gender Diversité

Founder of Ellumine, Roula Clerc-Nassar is a former Senior Executive, who has succeeded in climbing Corporate hierarchy in leading multinationals, up to highest levels. A seasoned Leader, Human Understanding expert, and an Insightful Researcher, Roula has consistently excelled in Growing Talent and Developing People, and has furthered her capabilities in this area through multiple Coaching accreditations. A truly multi-cultural individual, Roula has lived and adapted in numerous countries across 3 continents, and managed businesses and teams across the globe.

Two Women Dancing

In addition to tailored coaching programs, Ellumine offers the Shine with Purpose leadership development program that allows you to navigate the challenges that women professionals tend to face in their careers, so that you are equipped to thrive and realize your potential.

From setting an inspirational direction for your career, to building the mindset & skills for success and leveraging supportive relationships, all the way to implementing with joy, this journey is designed to maximize your sense of purpose and fulfillment, so that you release your full power for yourself, your family, your work, and society at large. 


Ellumine  proposes to Organizations and Businesses who are aiming to step-up

gender balance, holistic solutions to address this need, and support them to retain, grow, and advance female talent.

Entrenched in deep Research and Human Understanding expertise, these solutions start with a Gender Diversity Assessment, supplemented by other forms of research as needed, to form a profound understanding of their female talents' drivers and barriers, and are then used as base to identify and implement tailored solutions, that are subsequently tracked to keep the pulse on progress and make necessary adjustments. 

Join Ellumine's Inside Edge

To Obtain the Full Shine with Purpose Blueprint as well as Training & Updates to Help You Realize Your Unique Potential

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